10 ways to look and feel your best
1. Love Do something nice for someone, you never know how quickly you can change a person’s mood with an act of kindness. Be nice J
2. Smile It can light up an entire room and makes everyone think that you are sweet.
3. Sweat Take a walk, do some cardio, dance like no one is watching. This can relieve much stress and make for an amazing transformation in your waist line ;)
4. H20 Drink lots of water. Stay hydrated from the inside out. This will affect the appearance of your skin and your over all health.
5. Keep good company be sure to surround yourself with positivity. Don’t stay alone for too long or waist time with cynical people.
6. Keep your ears clean by this I’m talking music. Opt for more upbeat and uplifting music that inspires you to do something great!
7. Eat breakfast Whole grains and healthy snacks in the morning will give you a boost each day. You’ll be surprised what a difference it makes.
8. Wear eyeliner ( ladies only J) I always say the quickest way to change your look is add eyeliner. If you’re going to wear it on the bottom make sure it’s heavier on top.
9. Change up your style add a new color into your wardrobe. Wearing bright sunny colors can make spring seem closer. Do something different with your style to boost your confidence.
10. Cut back on carbs and sweets. Extra weight can make us feel tired and unhappy. Make sure you don’t overdo it and eat healthy balanced meals throughout the day!
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Ó2012 Marquita Brown