sisters inc

sisters inc

Monday, January 30, 2012

Vision Board Project Complete!!!

On Tuesday, January 24th,  our young ladies from King College Prep High School completed and presented their Vision Boards to each other. Their boards reflected their 5-10 year plans for their life. I was pretty impressed and excited to see some of their goals illustrated that ranged from being a photographer, doctor, model, business woman in Corporate America, actress, lawyer and for some just enjoying the college life!! I am really excited for the future of  these young ladies!! For them, the sky's the limit!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Vision Board Project!!!

This month is "College and Career Month" for the ladies of S.I.S.T.E.R.S. Inc. at King College Prep High School. This is the time set aside for the young ladies to talk about their plans for the future and how they want to achieve them. On last week, we brought in some current college students to talk about their experiences; which was really helpful for the our young ladies to get a little more insight on the choices they need to be prepared to make upon entering college. 
This week we will be focusing on Vision Boards! I'm excited for the ladies to start this process because often times we don't take the time to actually write down our goals and plans for life. Because of that, we tend to get distracted and forget why we started on our educational path. The idea behind a Vision Board is that when you surround yourself with images of who you want to become, what you want to have, where you want to live, your life changes to match those images and those desires. Even if this board is just a rough draft for our ladies, we want to open the door to those changes.
I'm excited for our ladies embracing their future!! Pics will be up soon from our Vision Board Project!!!

If you're interested in making your own vision board, check out the link below:

Friday, January 13, 2012

To all the gang Bangers...Wow!!

I may be a little late with this posting, but I still think its relevant... check it out!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Tis the Season for New Beginnings!

Happy New Year and New Beginnings to you all!! I have been very blessed in 2011, but I know there are more blessings to come in this new year! I am very excited for what God has in store for S.I.S.T.E.R.S.Inc. We have been through quite a few changes and I knew its for the better! I am submitting this blog today to encourage those to not just have a New Years Resolution, but a 2012 Challenge!!!! Ask yourself: what did you want to accomplish in 2011? Did you complete it? Did you even get close to it?? Did you even start it???
I have spoken to quite a few people about things that they see and want to change, but I haven't really seen them move on it. Why is that? What are you so afraid of?? Failure??? I can understand that part but then again I don't. Just to give you a brief testimony: In January 2010, I quit my job of four years. It was my only source of income, not to mention I moved into my first apartment, got a new car (and a bigger car note), and a puppy. For those that know and understand the expenses that come along with those things, I'm sure you get where I'm going!! Yes, a lot of responsibility! I wasn't happy where I was working and where I was going, there was no room for growth and I knew it was my time to go. My family and friends thought I was crazy for doing it, but I knew there was a better plan for my life, and I was ready for my program to take off. Above all those things God gave me the green-light to go. Now I would have been hesitant to do it on my own, but I knew what I heard and there was no turning back. Was I nervous??? Heck YEAH!!!! But I trusted God. Needless to say that was a very rocky year! S.I.S.T.E.R.S. Inc was launched, I lost loved ones, depleted all of my resources and even lost partial vision in my left eye. I believe I had to go through those things because God wanted me to trust Him the whole way through this journey of Faith. Even when it looked like all hope was gone, God showed me favor: S.I.S.T.E.R.S. Inc. was really moving forward with a new vision. We became a vendor of Chicago Public Schools and the program began to grow!  I regained my health: spiritually, physically and mentally! My vision for S.I.S.T.E.R.S. Inc. did not die in the mist of all that I was going through! I had to hold on to my vision. Not to mention there were some awesome people I met along the way that aided me in this process.
2011 was a bumpy journey as well, but a blessed one! I have been blessed with so people I have encountered that I can't go anywhere but further! I've been linked with awesome people such as: Michele Taylor, Executive Director and Tracey Hawk-Sydnor, Creator of 365 Girl Foundation/Book and Arkeelaus Sherman, founder of Kee 2 Creativity, and the list will be going on and on!!  With all this being said, I challenge you to write your vision down and began to walk into the things that God has called you to. And if you're down with the 2012 Challenge fasten your seat belts and enjoy the ride!!! It's gonna be a crazy ride but its worth every minute!! 

God Bless!
From the Founder