sisters inc

sisters inc

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My Rude Awakening

College has been an interesting experience thus far. Although it is a new place, it really does not seem any different than high school. I honestly see Howard as a bigger high school because there’s still petty people and drama here. However, if you stay away from those type of people then that won’t be an issue.  When I first got to college, I thought that it was going to be similar to high school, but I was in for a rude awakening. I found myself being rejected from practically everything that I sought out for, and I experienced a few shortcomings when it came to my grades. In high school, I did not have to study much, nor did I have to put too much effort into completing assignments and getting good grades. When I got to Howard, I found myself having to really study and read. At King, I aced tests and quizzes with little study time but here I had to study a lot just to get mediocre grades. I found myself really having a hard time being the great student that I was in high school in college. I even questioned my belonging to Howard, and sometimes I thought that I did not fit in here. Now things are better and I found a new hobby that I really enjoy which is stepping. I love stepping and I am really good at it. Stepping has been my substitute for dance since I did not make the dance team at Howard. With stepping I have made new associates, developed closer relationships with upper classmen, and found a team to support me. My college experience has been both challenging and helpful, but I know next semester will be so much better.

Author: Mercedes Harris

King College Prep HS: Class of 2011

Howard University: Class of 2015

1 comment:

  1. College can certainly be a rude awakening but it's always important to embrace CHANGE! So proud you're stepping up to the plate and getting your studies under wraps! Keep moving forward you'll be surprised he places determination will take you!!

    Michele Taylor
    Howard University c/o 07'
